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  The Librarian’s Almanaq by Roy Leban
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  Now, in your hands, you hold The Librarian’s Almanaq, an opus that is the culmination of literally centuries of tremendous work by a dedicated team of researchers. Here, you’ll get the advice you need to be successful in the world and learn the sine qua non of puzzledom. Never before has a wealth of information like this been gathered in one place, let alone a single volume. Your hunger for sacred knowledge can finally be sated! Examine the Almanaq carefully and make sure to read the instructions, and you will be on the path to enlightenment.
Roy Leban is a lifelong puzzle constructor with thousands of puzzles to his credit. His puzzles have appeared in the New York Times, GAMES, and a multitude of other newspapers, books, and collections around the world. He has also created numerous physical puzzles and games. Between puzzles, Roy has had time to found puzzle technology company Puzzazz. Earlier in his software career, he built groundbreaking products in desktop productivity, web publishing, early tablet computers, and interactive education, shipping more than 30 products over the years.
Time: 8-40 hours for 1 person; proportionally less for groups; pencil, highlighter, scissors, tape, and duck needed, plus a large table or floor space to work on


The Librarian’s Almanaq was initially released
April 18th, 2015 at Microsoft Puzzle Hunt 16.
It went on sale to the public on May 1st, 2015.

Errata for the Puzzle Hunt 16 edition

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